Recurring PayPal Donations


The Recurring Donations plugin allows you to accept recurring donations via PayPal from your website.

It has a user-friendly and simple shortcode that lets you place a donate button anywhere on your WordPress site. You can add the subscription donation widget to your sidebar, posts, pages etc.

The recurring donations widget this plugin creates is nice looking and user-friendly.

Your users will be able to select a subscription or recurring donation amount and pay you monthly.

This plugin allows you to accept one time donations also. So if some users prefer to pay a one-off donation, they can click on the “Donate Once” tab and make a one-time donation payment.

  • Quick installation and setup.
  • Easily take recurring donations via PayPal. Accept ongoing subscription donation on your site.
  • The ultimate plugin to create PayPal recurring donations buttons.
  • Create the donation buttons on the fly and embed them anywhere on your site using a shortcode.
  • Ability to add multiple recurring donation widgets on your site for different causes. Accept subscription donation for various purposes.
  • Allow your users to specify a donation amount that they wish to pay.
  • Ability to accept recurring payment in any PayPal supported currency.
  • Send your users to a custom thank you page after the payment.
  • Option to send your users to a custom cancel return page from PayPal.

The setup is very simple and easy. Once you have installed the plugin, all you need to do is enter your PayPal Email address in the plugin settings and your site will be ready to accept recurring donations from users.


Insert the following shortcode into a page or post to create a donation button.

[dntplgn recurring_amt1="25" recurring_amt2="50" recurring_amt3="100" item_name="For the victims of XX"]

Here, am1, am2 and am3 are the donation options.


In order to place a widget on the sidebar, go to “Appearance -> Widgets” and add a new text widget. Now add the following shortcode to the text widget.


After adding the widget to the sidebar, you can enter a title for the widget and some descriptive text that will appear above the button. You can also customize the shortcode parameters to override the default options.

For detailed instructions please check the Recurring Donation Plugin documentation page.


  • Donate Plugin Settings.
  • Monthly Recurring Donation Option.
  • Once Off Donation Option.


  1. Upload plugin donate plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin using the ‘Plugins’ menu in your WordPress admin panel.
  3. You can adjust the necessary settings using your WordPress admin panel in “Donate Plugin”.
  4. Create a page or a post, customize button settings and insert generated shortcode into the text.


How can I add Donate Plugin form to my website?

Use the following shortcode to add a recurring donation button to your website:

[dntplgn recurring_amt1=”25″ recurring_amt2=”50″ recurring_amt3=”100″ item_name=”For the victims of XX”]

Can I add more then one Donate Plagin form on the same page or post?

Yes, you can add multiple Donate Plugin forms on your page or post or text widget.

Can I create multiple recurring donation widgets using different paypal accounts?

Yes, you can specify the paypal email address (where the donation should go to) in the shortcode. Example below:

[dntplgn recurring_amt1=”10″ recurring_amt2=”20″ recurring_amt3=”50″ item_name=”For a good cause” paypal_email=””]


fevriye 28, 2019 1 reply
This looks super, because I haven’t found another way to do recurring donations with Paypal. Business accounts need to sign up for Enhanced Recurring Payments in Paypal that costs $20 monthly. Not worth it for a tiny non-profit. So thank you for creating this plugin! For those who are interested: it’s basic: you have to cut and paste their code into your page, and then edit that code to change parameters (such as amounts, etc). But it makes a two-pronged form that gets the job done. Except… The problem I’ve found is that with the recurring donation, once I click to donate and am taken to Paypal, I can’t use the back button to get back to my site. So it’s a one way trip away from my site, and if someone clicks it by accident, they’ll never get back. The one-time donation button does not appear to have this problem. The other issue with this, is that they can’t change the amount of the donation once they’ve clicked through to PayPal. The amount is fixed by the plugin, and PayPal only has options to change the payment method, not the amount. COULD YOU PLEASE FIX THIS BUG? PRETTY PLEASE?
Jiyè 29, 2018
I have had no trouble with this plugin. It is working fine.
Janvye 17, 2018 1 reply
It works but it is $$$’s only and I would like to see it in other currencies (at least major currencies) Also, it is fixed to three parameters, no less no more.
Desanm 20, 2017
ok plugin, does what it says but can be a bit better 0. it looks like reccurent payements not possible for “non pro” paypal accounts This feature is only available to Business and Premier Accounts. please add this info in the plugin description so people don’t loose time. 1. on monthly reccurrent payements we ca see (p/m) i imagine this means per month, however i think that this is not clear for everyone. can be 2. on “DONATE ONCE ONLY” interface there is no information of selected “currency” that is confusing for people. DESIRED FEATURES 3. shortcode to select donation currency would be cool, at least some basic once : US, EU, GB 4. a redirect to a thank you page
Dawout 10, 2017
This is a great, still functional plugin that I used for a website that needed something close to the functionality provided. I added the modifications unique to their situation, but out of the box this worked great.
fevriye 11, 2017
This is super easy to use and does exactly what it promises. People can choose how much to donate either for one payment or recurring payments. Highly recommend.
Read all 10 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Recurring PayPal Donations” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Added output escaping to the shortcode parameters.


  • Small fix for WordPress 5.5
  • Updated the jQuery UI css file.


  • Added a new option to specify a “Cancel” URL in the settings menu. PayPal will send the users to this page if they click on the cancel link on PayPal’s checkout page.
  • Added new translation strings.


  • Added a new option in the settings to allow customization of the currency symbol.
  • Added a new shortcode parameter that can be used to customize the currency symbol using the shortcode.
  • The item name parameter value now gets transferred to PayPal for the one time custom donation also.


  • More strings are now translatable.


  • Added a new settings option that can be used to customize the payment currency. Receive recurring donation in any currency supported by PayPal.
  • Added a new settings option that can be used to specify a return URL.
  • The (p/m) label next to the amount value has been removed. This label can now be customized from the settings menu of the plugin.
  • The currency code can also be customized in the shortcode by using the “currency_code” parameter.
  • The return URL can be customized in the shortcode by using the “return_url” parameter.
  • The payment currency code is displayed in the widget.
  • Minor CSS improvement to add some padding between the donate button and the text above.


  • Fix for when someone selects the other amount and then goes back to selecting a fixed amount and it doesn’t read the amount correctly. Thanks to @jvo33 for providing the fix.
  • Updated the admin menu icon to use a dashicon.


  • The shortcode can now accept a paypal email address as a parameter. This will allow you to create multiple recurring donation widget with different paypal email address.
  • The recurring amount will work correctly with the decimal places when the amounts are specified in the shortcode.
  • Improved the usage instructions wording in the settings interface.


  • Recurring Donation plugin is now compatible with WordPress 4.3


  • First Commit